Tuesday, May 22, 2007

^^ Yesterday, cass, d4wn and me had a nice game with furion and thacc. Draft was (sentinel) WL, Sandk, RK, Potm, Lina against (scourge) QOP, Zeus, VS, ES, Silencer.

cass was RK, d4wn was WL and I used Lina. (113 - 3 stunners at bot) Good coordination at bot meant we fbed, sbed and tbed their VS/ES. Then SK went off to hunt and killed Silencer at mid, while cass and I kept the pressure at bot. Very nice play from d4wn's WL too who went Deso, Dagger, Euls, Dagon and killed the running QOP with a nice blink chase through the forest. =D Even though potm was nerdlike without linken at level 17, we still managed to win. *eeeee*


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